We enjoyed Thanksgiving at Grandma's house yesterday where Abigail was so excited. She asked all day Wednesday if it was Thanksgiving. When going around the table and asking everyone what they were thankful for, Abigail said she was thankful for playdough, and Benny (Aunt Emily's dog). I think Sarah was thankful for turkey and rice dressing because she hasn't been eating very well but she ate and ate and ate yesterday. Afterwards, we went and had dessert at a family friends house. Abigail was so excited that Paw Paw was going to bring fudge that she kept reminding him and telling him not to forget it. On the way home she was mezmerized by all the new christmas lights so she kept asking Josh if he would put up lights on our house. This morning we decorated for Christmas... once again Abigail couldn't contain herself. I told her we would decorate the tree once I had taken a shower and about every two minutes she asked me to go take a shower. It is so much fun to see the girls excited and to see holidays through their precious eyes.
Park City Utah
2 years ago