We had a blizzard on Monday night and Tuesday. I was so thankful that Josh was home from China because we all were snow bound together, resulting in nice family time together. Since Josh had been in China for two weeks I don't have cabin fever as much as I would have at other times, or maybe it is because I am 8 months pregnant and I don't really move very fast. I just hope the snow melts before March. I will be very tired of looking at it. I am also thankful that the baby is not due soon, othersie we might have had to rent a hotel by the hospital. We did take this extra time to organize some baby things. The girls were very excited about all the baby items that have reemerged. Abigail would tell me stories about when she was a baby, or she would tell me how to use each item for the baby. Sarah would become a baby. She wanted to sleep in the crib, be wrapped in a blanket, and play on the baby mat.

Here is a bird feeder Abigail made in school last week. I think the birds are pretty thankful for it right now.

Pictures do not do justice to the snow drifts outside our house. We have been wearing our pj's all day.

Abigail likes to pretend that Josh is a dog. Josh is such a good dad and plays along, despite the reluctance shown in his face. He thinks if we get a dog then pretending to be a dog will stop. I am not so sure of that.

Here is a view from Abigail's window.

We made snow ice cream...sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and snow. Josh always has his business hat and wants our house to become an ice cream factory. We have enough snow for thousands of gallons of ice cream.

As you can see they really needed some sugar to get their energy up.

Josh spent all day shoveling out a path for his car to get out. We have the longest driveway in the neighborhood and I think we got the biggest snow drifts. The girls went outside for a little while. Sarah came in dry because she is a lot like her mom and doesn't really like to get wet or cold. Abigail came in crying from being so cold and wet. From her knees down she was bright red. She actually came in wrapped up in a blanket and fell asleep. She also told Josh she never wants to go out in the snow again. Josh is disappointed because he wanted to go out and build a tunnel. I don't know what he expects from our children when it is 5 degrees outside and we do not own proper snow clothes.

Abigail before she was too cold.

Eating snow balls.