Monday, September 28, 2009

Pearly Whites

Abigail went to the dentist for the first time today. She was a little apprehensive about it, but she was brave. The office was designed for children and she was very impressed by the many balls, games. and the television that she watched while her teeth were being cleaned. She allowed the hygentist to take her x-rays and to clean her teeth. She wanted me to hold her hand the whole time which surprised me because she is usually so independent. Abigail got to choose a toothbrush while she was there. Her first choice was SPIDERMAN!! She thought for a minute and decided that spiderman was scary so she choose a toothbrush that lights up. Thank goodness. Sarah went over to our neighbors and played while I took Abigail to the dentist and Sarah enjoyed playing over there. On the way to the dentist Abigail told me that she didn't like leaving Sarah and she wished Sarah would of come with us. As we got home Abigail told me that she knows that our neighbor will say that Sarah did great and was a good girl. What a great big sister. The dentist told me he would like to see Sarah soon...something tells me it will not be as easy and that there might be some tears shed. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Wow is she getting big or what?

This weekend was Josh's birthday and we had a busy time celebrating it. On Friday Aunt Kim and Uncle Mark came over for a fish fry and pie. Abigail had a lot of fun playing scrabble with Uncle Mark. On Saturday Daddy went fishing while the girls and I along with Grandma went to visit Aunt Lindsey and Aunt Melissa at OSU. They were so happy to see their aunts because they really missed them. While visiting, we went on a walk where the girls fed the ducks at the pond. Saturday night we went to hideaway pizza and Basspro. I don't know who had more fun... daddy or Abigail and Sarah. Abigail loves birthdays, so much that she even prayed on Saturday night that Grandma would remember to make daddy a present. She was also excited to help Grandma make the frosting for daddy's cake. As we were putting Abigail to bed tonight she asked Josh, "Daddy are you old?" We hope you had a wonderful birthday Daddy. We love you so much. You are such a dedicated and loving father. Thanks for being so wonderful you help make our world sunny.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A+ student

Abigail was a star student today. Her teachers told me that Abigail got to pick something out of the treasure chest because she received 15 stickers by being a good student in class. Abigail was the first student in her class to achieve this award. Way to go Abigail. Rewards always spoke volumes for her.

Another milestone

Sarah has made another milestone. She has allowed me to put barretts in her hair for three days now. When I put the barrett in her hair she points up and says "pretty." I only wish she would of let me put the barrett in her hair for her 18 month pictures. Oh well, I am just glad we made this milestone and I can now hold off on giving her a haircut.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Football Game

Abigail has been wanting to go to the high school football game to see the band for a while now. Everytime we pass the stadium we have to roll down the window to listen to the band, then proceeds to talk about how we need to go one day and listen to the band. So it was a beautiful night last night and my dear sister Emily watched Sarah for us and we went to the game. Abigail was so excited and she was also amazed that we were up past dark. Before we walked into the stadium she could smell the popcorn and wanted some immediately. But when it was time to really choose what she wanted from the concession stand she took after her mommy and got ice cream. She had so much fun watching the band and dancers, she even did a kick or two. She also wanted to know if mommy, pawpaw, and daddy could kick like the tigettes... I think you know the answer to that question. When the game got started Abigail and I went up and down the stadium stairs quite a few times for food, drink and bathroom. But then halftime kept her attention again. She also enjoyed stomping her feet on the bleachers. We really enjoyed spending one on one time with her.

Meeting Daddy for lunch

We met Josh for lunch yesterday and boy do the girls love going to see dad at work. They love to test out all of the reels to make sure they are durable. There are also many critters that can be found around the office, as we saw caterpillars, spiders, and a tiny lizard that Abigail called "cute". Abigail was asking about a locked closet at Daddy's work and one of his co-workers told her there lived a boogey monster in there. On the way home Abigail talked all about the boogey monster that lives at daddy's work and how he's mean but that he can't hurt anyone now because he's locked in that "guest room" (closet). When we got home the girls took a long nap without complaint, and that made mommy very happy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Smiley Pictures

Sarah had her 18 month pictures yesterday. I wasn't expecting much because she usually just cries through the session. I did have a little hope though because she has been so happy recently. Well the photographer actually worked really well with her and played ball and let her hold stuffed animals and the he made sure to cut those things out of the pictures. She smiled a lot and I actually had pictures to chose from!! Don't get me wrong there were still tears involved but not as many. I am very hopeful to get a family picture and a picture of the girls in November. Grandma I will be sending you a picture as soon as I get to the post office.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ice cream man

It was a Seattle-like rainy day today. It has been raining for a few days now, but Abigail and our neighbor Landon still always wait for the ice cream man everyday. Today the ice cream man actually came in the rain, and needless to say, the girls enjoyed their ice cream. They even passed up an opportunity to go to Braums! Sarah finished her ice cream in record time and then wanted bites of Abigail's ice cream. Of course, Abigail is a great big sister and allowed Sarah to have some bites. They really enjoyed each other today as they spent the rainy day playing, dancing and reading with one another. It is so much fun watching them grow up together. It allows me to recognize God's abundant blessings in my life.

Dinner Time

Today Sarah moved up from her highchair to a booster chair at dinner time. She thinks she is pretty big stuff. She has even eaten vegetables in her new seat!! I can't believe how fast she is growing. It feels like she has been a baby forever but all of a sudden she is becoming very old. She is climbing up everything and I am just wondering when will she climb out of her crib. I am not ready for that.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is Abigail and Sarah's Grandma's birthday! They sure wish they could be there with her, in fact, Abigail asked this morning if she could go to her party.

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Abigail's First Day of School

The picture on your left is Abigail inside her new classroom on her first day of school! School began on August 25th and it couldn't come soon enough for mom. Her class is the "Bees" class and she attends 3 days a week, Tuesday-Thursday. Although some children have a hard time leaving mom and dad after the long summer, Abigail just said "Bye Mom!" She asks every day of the week if today is a school day and she talks constantly about all her new friends. It seems as though every day she comes home with a new song, then proceeds to sing it over and over and over and over.....

Sarah makes new friends too!

While helping Mom drop Abigail off at school, Sarah enjoys meeting new friends of her own. This is a picture of Sarah and Eli, happy as can be now that they have Mom all to themselves after dropping off their siblings.
When it's time to pick up Abigail, Mom lets Sarah out of the stroller and she proceeds to guide Abigail out of her classroom and routinely dismisses them both as though she's in charge. She enjoyed her time alone with Mom but is sure happy to have big Sis back!