Abigail went to the dentist for the first time today. She was a little apprehensive about it, but she was brave. The office was designed for children and she was very impressed by the many balls, games. and the television that she watched while her teeth were being cleaned. She allowed the hygentist to take her x-rays and to clean her teeth. She wanted me to hold her hand the whole time which surprised me because she is usually so independent. Abigail got to choose a toothbrush while she was there. Her first choice was SPIDERMAN!! She thought for a minute and decided that spiderman was scary so she choose a toothbrush that lights up. Thank goodness. Sarah went over to our neighbors and played while I took Abigail to the dentist and Sarah enjoyed playing over there. On the way to the dentist Abigail told me that she didn't like leaving Sarah and she wished Sarah would of come with us. As we got home Abigail told me that she knows that our neighbor will say that Sarah did great and was a good girl. What a great big sister. The dentist told me he would like to see Sarah soon...something tells me it will not be as easy and that there might be some tears shed. I guess we will have to wait and see.
IM OFFICIALLY A BLOGGER!!! Well, I dont have my own or anything, but I can post on yours!!! I cant wait to see both of the girls' pearly whites when we get back. I will talk to you soon!!!