Today I deceided to go to Hobby Lobbby and the Mall with my sister. I thought it would be nice for the girls to get out, and they love the mall playground. But I think I have momnesia because most times I'm out, Sarah cries and throws fits in public places. Somehow I always forget this. As soon as the first tear falls I think "Why am I doing this?" Sarah was fine at Hobby Lobby until her fruit snacks were gone. Then she proceeded to cry throughout the rest of the store. I am normally use to the crying and I usually don't notice all the stares, but today was different. I looked up as my child was screaming and noticed that I had every eye on me like no one has seen a crying child before. One reason for the crying was because she wanted her passie which she doesn't get unless she is sleeping. So I'm not sure what brought that on, but on the way home from the mall with her eyes swollen and her face puffy, she put a sticker on her lips and said it was her passie. She calmed down and let her "passie" stay on the rest of the car ride home. I guess I should keep stickers handy. I know that this too shall pass but I'm just wondering when. I am starting to really consider putting Sarah in preschool next year so maybe I can finally make it through Wal-Mart without my head spinning. When we got home Sarah played happily the rest of the day so I guess she just likes being home. So do I force her to go to school next year or do I keep that precious sensitive soul at home for another year and just start running errands in the evening when everyone is in bed? I love Sarah so much so I wish I just knew how to help her stay calm and happy. Oh the tribulations of motherhood!
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