I can not believe that Abigail is 4 years old today. Time has gone by soooo fast. It seems like yesterday when I brought my bundle of joy home. This birthday has been hard on me; I am not sure why except that those baby cheeks are gone and she no longer is a toddler. Abigail is such an easy going child and her smile can brighten a room. She is very agreeable and can handle disappointment with logic. She is a great big sister who loves playing pretend with Sarah and is also a patient teacher to her. Abigail will usually give up an item to Sarah in lieu of keeping the peace. In school Abigail is a friend to all and shes even taken a girl under her wing that didn't speak fluent english. Abigail is beginning to write her name and can recognize some printed words.
Abigail was excited to bring cupcakes to her class and have her birthday celebrated with her classmates. I had put her hair in pig tails this morning but she took them out, saying "My crown won't fit right." She got to wear a crown at school and she knew it wouldn't fit right so we had to put barrettes in her hair instead.
Tonight we went to Joe's Crab Shack for a CF fundraiser because we thought Abigail would have fun at the playground, listening to music, and of course getting her face painted. She really enjoyed herself and she can not wait for her birthday party on Saturday. My prayer for Abigail is that the joy she has now will always be overflowing. I also pray that she will keep her love of God and her acceptance of others.
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