Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some highlights from the last two months

We began the summer with swim lessons. Abigail began the lessons apprehensive and telling and retelling her teacher she did not want to get her hair wet. She ended the lessons swimming to her teacher on her own, jumping on the diving board, and putting her face in the water on her own. Sarah enjoyed going to mommy and me swim lessons but was always glad when they were over as well. Sarah even jumped off the diving board (although not completely willing). As we go to the pool now it is so nice how they are both comfortable on their own with floaties of course.

We then had fun with Grandma Denton and Great Grandpa while they visited us. We visited Cherry Berry, ate ice cream, and roasted big marshmallows. We enjoyed a lot of family fun.

Josh then had to go to China for 17 days and we really missed him. The girls were so good this time though, I can really see how much they have grown. We stayed really busy going to the pool, the circus, Vacation Bible School, going to the library, shopping for our trip to Louisiana, meeting our neighbors for pizza, and enjoying many laughs together. Josh got back from China on a Thursday and we left Friday morning for Louisiana to celebrate my grandparents 60th anniversary. We had fun and once again I was impressed how well the girls did. They slept so well altogether in one room, they were grateful and happy. Even Abigail who had a double ear infection. I am so thankful to call them my daughters they make me so proud.
Today we started to potty train Sarah. She is definetly more challenging than Abigail was but by lunch time we were making progress, but our progress is a little impeded by both of the girls having fevers. Abigail laid around all day and Sarah laid around this afternoon. We played games, read books, colored, stamped, and watched a lot of TV. But what else are you going to do when it is so hot outside.

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