Sarah is in the Monkey class with 7 or 8 girls and one or two boys so a very different dynamic than Abigail's class. I know her teachers will be there to support Sarah in any emotional needs that she might have which gives me comfort. Sarah had many meltdowns this morning and this made me very nervous. When we got to school she clung to Josh...making me even more nervous. When we brought her to her class she said "I am going to play with the toys." I told her I would be back to pick her up later and I asked if I could have a kiss, to which she responded no. I said okay have fun. I then left the room and cried. I was so worried about her all day. She is definetly not like Abigail in that she always needs to know where I am, and needs a lot of hugs throughout the day. When I arrived to pick her up this afternoon she was rubbing her chest (a sign of anxiety) and when she saw me she ran to me and clung to my neck and then whimpered. It broke my heart. She didn't let me put her down until we got to the car. Her teacher said she did fine, she said the last 30 minutes everyone was tired so there was more tears. She also told me that she went to the bathroom 7 times, (that sounds like Sarah) and she had no accidents, YES! Sarah said she had fun and wanted to go back again tomorrow so that is promising.
Park City Utah
2 years ago