On Friday we spent the day at the zoo with Candin and Graem, and with Ashley, Brian, and Lucas. It was a beautiful day, the weather was perfect, the animals were active especially the monkeys, and there was hardly anyone there The girls had a lot of fun as well. When we were done at the zoo Josh met us at the park and we all had a picnic it was a nice way to end summer.

Abigail riding the train with me. She was very concerned about Sarah and Lucas and wanted to make sure Uncle Brian would watch them so they would not fall out of the train.

Sarah petting the sheep. Sarah would make sure she petted all the animals and would give them hugs around the neck. Luckily the animals tolerated her. She also picked out her attire for the zoo, notice her shoes.

One of Abigail's favorite things at the zoo is the playground. She of course made a friend while she was there as well.

Sarah swinging on the slide. She is now not wearing shoes because her feet hurt.

Lucas could you speed it up a little bit. Lucas insisted on pulling the wagon around the zoo and Sarah decided to take advantage of it and have Lucas pull her around. Can we say Princess.
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