This weekend we had breakfast with Santa at church. Abigail has been anticipating this day for since Thanksgiving. She told Sarah about everything to expect while there.

These are some of Abigail's best friends from school, Jacob and Conner.

Here is a picture of Sarah and Eli. It is not very good because Santa just walked in and Sarah is not to sure of what to think. I have always thought that they would have beautiful children if they got married.

Sarah coloring an ornament.

Abigail coloring an ornament. This is the first year my kids really enjoyed the crafts. Abigail had to do all of them and even went back to make more.

Not a great picture but they enjoyed telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Abigail wants a baby but she is going to let Santa decide if it should have clothes and what color it should be. I guess she likes the element of surprise. Sarah asked for a pink rubber duck with pink polka dots.

Sarah enjoying the candy cane from Santa.

The girls listening to Father Joe read them the Christmas story.

After breakfast with Santa we ran errands and then went eat at Applebees. Abigail really wanted to go eat out and Sarah of course didn't. When we pulled up to Applebees she started crying because she wanted to go eat at Grandma's house. Sarah wore her scarf and her hat throughtout most of dinner.

The girls truly enjoying daddy and the valuable time they get to spend with him.
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