We induced Anna on the 22nd of March which was two days after her due date. The girls went to school that day and Grandma picked them up a little early because that was in Abigail's plans and she was very excited about being called out of class to go to the hospital. Abigail and Sarah were very excited to be big sisters. After Anna was born we brought both girls in so that they could be the first to know if they had a sister or brother. Then they both ran out of the room to tell everyone it was a girl. Sarah was soo cute I wish I could put the video up on the blog but she ran out of the room exclaiming "come on guys come see my sister. Grandma come on come see my sister." Sarah wanted to know where the other babies were (she thinks my breasts are the 2nd and 3rd babies.) She also thought that Anna was stinky. She kept asking "Did the baby come out now?" I now think she understands that the baby is here now. Abigail feels so grown up and you can see her happiness all over her face. I don't sense any jealousy from them but I know they were glad to have all of us home.
Abigail bursting with pride.