Sarah at the hospital.
One year old.
Two years old.

I can't believe Sarah is three, but I feel very relieved that she is. She has grown up so much over the last few months. It doesn't seem that long ago when I would put her to bed at night and feel every nerve in my body from all the drama and crying that went on throughout the day.
We have both learned so much. Sarah has learned to communicate better and be more comfortable when she feels anxious. I have learned to choose my battles very wisely and stay calm. There are many days she walks out of the house with clothes that are mismatched and she looks like a little orphan but I have learned that getting out of the house with mismatched clothes is certaintly better than an hour long tantrum. Now if I can just convince her that wearing tights without anything over them is like wearing just panties we would be in good shape.
Sarah is such a sweet little girl, knowing how to use her charm to get what she wants. She is so loveable and enjoys the kisses and hugs. I think she wants to go back and be a baby many times throughout the day and I wonder how she will feel about that when the new baby comes. She is very maternal always taking care of her babies and animals.
Sarah is a chatterbox. She will talk all day and doesn't even need a response from people most of the time. Her creative mind is always going, she pretends throughout the day and is content playing with a single small toy all day. At church she has been finding pieces of trash and playing with them throughout mass and even taking them home. Her teachers tell me they wish they could clone her (news to me) and that she likes to play all day.
Sarah is my home body. She would much rather stay home than go anywhere. Ever since she learned to communicate, I could always count on her to tell me she is ready to go home at any event. I wish I could freeze time so I can keep her this age. I am trying to hold on to all the memories. I love my Sarah and I cannot wait to see what the future will bring her.
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