Abigail had her preschool graduation yesterday. It was an adorable program that made me smile and made me shed some tears. I am really going to miss Abigail's teachers, they have been amazing. I never worried about leaving her with them. They were always encouraging, always made Abigail feel so special and they taught her everything from Jesus loves her to reading sight words. I am very grateful for all they have done. I hope Sarah gets the opportunity to be in their class in two years. I have no doubt that Abigail is ready for kindergarten but I am not sure if I am ready. It feels like I have been able to keep her in a bubble and now it is about to be popped. I know we will find a new comfort zone and Abigail will amaze me with her easy going nature I just can't imagine her graduating from elementary school, let alone high school.

Abigail was very different at this performance than she has been in the past. In the past she had the biggest grin on her face and very outgoing. This time she was much more serious.

Abigial had many lines to remember for the program and she performed them well. She spoke clearly and remembered every word. She did have a hard time keeping her graduation cap on though. She made me very proud to be her mom. Stealing a line from the performance "I do
have the best kid in our town."

Abigail received flowers from Aunt Kim and she was so excited about them that we had to take pictures with them, and show them to everyone even our neighbors. Thanks Aunt Kim.

Abigail with her proud family.

Sarah didn't want to be left out.

I saw my life flash before me when we took this picture. She started posing without us prompting her to and I could see her at her high school graduation so I had to look away.
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