Josh took the Abigail and Sarah camping last weekend for the first time. They had so much fun and are ready to go back soon. I stayed home with Anna since it was very hot outside. I was sad that I couldn't be there with them but I was glad that they could make memories with Josh.

Abigail could hardly contain herself all day. She waited so patiently for Josh to get off work so she could go camping. She kept making statements like "I was wishing that car that just drove by was Daddy. When will Daddy be here?" The pictures above are of the girls during the last thirty minutes of waiting for Josh.

They finally arrive to the campsite.

Their home away from home.

Dinner: Hot dogs, and smores.

Abigail with her fish that she caught and Sarah with her treasure she caught. Abigail enjoyed fishing so much while they were camping. Sarah did not seem as intrested in fishing as Abigail but she did find a little doll that she enjoyed playing with.

I could not post any words with the video in my last entry so I thought I would write a note about it here. Josh was so proud of this video. That was the first thing he did when he came home was show me that video. He then showed the video to everyone who would watch and he also watched the video at least twenty times by himself since. My mom told me about the new Trace Adkins song "Just Fishing" and I thought of Josh and Abigail. I wish I could have it playing in the background of the video. Abigail might have been just fishing but they created memories that I know Josh will remember forever. I am so glad they had so much fun camping. I know they can't wait to go back but next time they would like more time and cooler temperatures.
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