Anna as a newborn.
Anna at 6 months.
Anna at a year.
Anna turned 1 on the 22nd. My how the time has flown by. Anna is a sweet and happy baby. I know this sounds contradictary but she can also be mean and she knows what she wants. When Anna has thought of something naughty to get into I see a spark in her eyes and a smile starts to form. She then looks at me and shakes her head "no" before she decides to do the naughty thing. She knows what she wants and is pretty good at communicating her wants. I think this will make me want to scream at times but I think it will be a good quality as an adult. Anna is now choosing to walk more than crawl. She has had the ability to walk for a while now but on her birthday decided she would walk more consistently. She loves to get people's attention. She will wave or yell at them until she gets a reaction from them. Anna is usually a momma's girl, and will not go to the nursery at church. Anna can say mamma, dada, uh-oh, ow, Anna, and hi. Sometimes I hear baba, Abigail, Sarah, and she will point her finger and yell something that sounds like no. She is pretty picky about her food but usually loves whatever is on my plate (even if it is the same thing as hers.) Anna loves her sisters and always wants to play with them. She thinks she is big stuff. She has also been my cuddliest baby and I love that. She has a little blankie that she will snuggle up with when you give it to her. She has added so much joy to our family and we all love her so much.
I thought it would be fun to compare the girls at one year.
Anna |
Sarah |
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