This afternoon, Charlotte and Caroline were out in the yard playing with the neighbor boys, Grant and Ty Hawkins. According to Caroline, the conversation went like this:
Charlotte: "I want to marry you Ty"
Ty: "Do you think I am hot?"
Charlote: (walks over to him, pulls up his sleeve, and touches his arm) "No, you are cold"
The humor of 4 year old Charlotte always brings smiles to this family.
It is spring break week and yesterday was Sarah's birthday. We decided instead of a whole family dinner of Sarah's choosing, we would make it a special mommy/daddy/daughter date out with just the 3 of us. We had a great time eating at Charleston's where we debated whether or not fishing was a strenuous enough activity to qualify as a "sport".
Abigail needed help tonight as she dipped her toes into Trigonometry for the first time, and Daddy was eager to help because that is his favorite math topic of all time.
Anna had a normal soccer practice tonight and came home to tell us that Braylen apparently injured herself while ice skating during Anna's birthday party on Friday night. It started with just falling on her duff, and apparently the pain started creeping up her back and now is hurting her neck so much she can't even turn her head!
Meanwhile, Papa helped watch the girls tonight while we were out to dinner. He did a great helpful thing getting Charlotte ready for bed and getting her all ready in her PJ's. After he left, mommy and daddy were messing around in the closet not keeping an eye on her. Charlotte and Caroline were already in the bathtub, and when daddy walked out of the closet, Charlotte had crawled into the full bathtub, PJ's, diaper and all!

And lastly, we've been saying the rosary each night as a family activity for lent. Because it always works into bedtime, Charlotte has been known to fall asleep sometime during the 2nd or 3rd decade. Tonight was no different. It might seem sacreligious, but we chuckle because Charlotte looks like a corpse in her sleep pose with a rosary wrapped around her hand.
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