Saturday was Lucas' birthday. It is hard to believe he turned two. I know everyone says this but I can't believe how fast time is going. I love watching him grow up and become a little man. He loves his older cousin Abigail and will follow her around and let her boss him around. Sarah and him have a hit and miss relationship. Sometimes they play together, sometimes they ignore one another, and many times they fight. I think this will always be their relationship since they are close in age. We are so blessed to have cousins nearby to share life with.

Abigail hard at work wrapping Lucas' birthday present. You know she is working hard because her tongue is to the side.

Abigail proud of her accomplishment of wrapping the present. She helped out all day getting ready for the party.

Lucas with his Grover cake that my talented sister Ashley made.

Abigail enjoying the cake.

Sarah enjoying the cake and ice cream as well.

Sarah ready for Lucas to open his present. She kept asking me where her present was. She knows her birthday is coming up soon, and she is very excited.

Abigail helping Lucas open his present. Abigail was so excited to see what Lucas' presents were. Lucas definetly didn't open the gifts fast enough for her, she had to display a lot of restraint, so much so she had a terror that night. Lucas would open a gift and play with the toy and she would have to wait so long between each present. Abigail worked tiredlessly to get him intrested in opening presents but that would make him even more resistant to her. We eventually opened all the presents and Abigail relaxed.
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