We had our first snow of the winter this weekend. Abigail was so excited. Since we had a blizzard last Christmas she kept thinking it was suppose to snow on Christmas. When it didn't snow she was a little disappointed and wanted to know when it would snow. Thankfully Daddy was home to take the girls out to play in the snow. I am not a huge fan of being cold or wet. They played outside for awhile so I was surprised how long Sarah stayed out. She tends to take after her Mommy when it comes to the temperature outside. After they played in the snow we had homemade hot chocolate and we built things out of toothpicks and marshmallows. Abigail thinks we always do this project when it snows because we did it with her when she was younger. Now when there is snow in the forecast I have to make sure we have marshmallows and toothpicks. Abigail built big structures and was pretty good at figuring out how to keep them upright. Sarah ate a lot of marshmallows and would destroy what everyone built. It was a fun family night.

Posing for a picture before she calculates how to get Daddy.

Smiling before she has become too frozen to move.

The loves of my life.

Daddy throwing a snowball at Abigail.
Abigail attacking Daddy with a snowball.
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