Saturday, November 5, 2011

Trick or Treat

We had a wonderful Halloween with beautiful weather and great family and friends to share it with. Aunt Ashley came over to do the girls hair and make up. Abigail was so proud that she was wearing make up. She seemed to walk two feet taller with make up and a beautiful dress.

Anna enjoying some time with Aunt Melissa.

Cute Little Ladybug.

Cute Cute Jessie. Sarah was very proud of her braids.

Belle, Ladybug, and Jessie are ready to go trick or treating.

The whole gang ready to invade the neighborhood. This group keeps on growing every year. I remember when it was just Abigail and Landon.

I love candy!

Pumpkin Carving

I know that this post is a little late but better late than never right? We carved our pumpkins the night before Halloween and the entire family participated in the beginning. This is the first year Sarah participated in the pumpkin fun. In the past Sarah never wanted to touch the pumpkins.

Abigail persevered and cleaned the pumpkins out. She was very excited to bake and eat the pumpkin seeds.

Sarah lost interest pretty fast and decided it was too gross to continue to help Abigail. She then entered into her fantasy world.