Thursday, January 28, 2010

Where's Dada?

Something that I did not expect on this trip to China was Sarah asking where's Dada? In the morning she looks around and says "dada" and throughout the day the same question arises. I was concerned about Abigail's reaction and didn't think Sarah would have the reaction she did. But I should have expected it the girls love their daddy. He is such an incredible dad. He is loving, committed, playful, and caring. We definetly miss him so much and we can't wait to see him.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Get us out of the house!

The girls and I have had a rough week. Abigail and Sarah have both had a cold and cough since last week. Josh and I took them to after hours on Sunday because Abigail was complaining about her ear hurting and Sarah looked plain miserable, she could hardly open her eyes. She kept telling me "I can't see." They both had ear infections and Sarah had the start of pneumonia. I was excited to know that by Tuesday we could get out of the house, we all needed some fresh air, but as luck would have it there is a snow storm looming over our heads. This wouldn't be so bad if Josh hadn't left for China today. I feel the girls are really tired of me, I just keep praying for the graces to be a joyful, patient, and fun mom to them. I am very thankful for all my friends and family that help me out so much while Josh is gone. I know the girls will miss Josh I just hope I can help make the time go by faster for them. Hopefully the storm will not keep us indoors for days. I did prepare though with art projects and baking. The bouncy barn might be seeing more of us in the very near future.

Lucas is one!

Here is our girly girl...she chose to bring her glasses and purse to the party. She is so adorable.
It is all about the cupcakes.

Just give her sweets and you can get a smile.

Birthday Boy. We love you Lukie!!!

This weekend we celebrated Lucas' (cousin) first birthday. The girls were so excitied to watch him... I mean help him... open presents, and of course to eat cake. Abigail told me that she "remembers how he was born in the hospital and how he was so cute." It is hard to believe he is one, walking and able to keep up with the girls easily now. He is such a wonderful gift to our lives. Happy Birthday Lukie!!

Shoe Bridge

Everyone knows how much Sarah loves shoes, she has now found a way to make art out of them. Sarah's new favorite game is to line up all of Josh's shoes and make an arch, she then proceeds to walk on top of them like a bridge. Josh thinks there is some engineering or architecture in her future the way she forms her arch so perfectly.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sarah hard at work

Yesterday Sarah and I met Josh for lunch. Sarah really enjoyed her time with us. On the way back from the restaurant she talked about how she wanted to go to daddy's work to see the big fishy. Over and over she said "big fisshhy," "daddy big fisshhy."

Monday, January 18, 2010

Heads did turn

Today I deceided to go to Hobby Lobbby and the Mall with my sister. I thought it would be nice for the girls to get out, and they love the mall playground. But I think I have momnesia because most times I'm out, Sarah cries and throws fits in public places. Somehow I always forget this. As soon as the first tear falls I think "Why am I doing this?" Sarah was fine at Hobby Lobby until her fruit snacks were gone. Then she proceeded to cry throughout the rest of the store. I am normally use to the crying and I usually don't notice all the stares, but today was different. I looked up as my child was screaming and noticed that I had every eye on me like no one has seen a crying child before. One reason for the crying was because she wanted her passie which she doesn't get unless she is sleeping. So I'm not sure what brought that on, but on the way home from the mall with her eyes swollen and her face puffy, she put a sticker on her lips and said it was her passie. She calmed down and let her "passie" stay on the rest of the car ride home. I guess I should keep stickers handy. I know that this too shall pass but I'm just wondering when. I am starting to really consider putting Sarah in preschool next year so maybe I can finally make it through Wal-Mart without my head spinning. When we got home Sarah played happily the rest of the day so I guess she just likes being home. So do I force her to go to school next year or do I keep that precious sensitive soul at home for another year and just start running errands in the evening when everyone is in bed? I love Sarah so much so I wish I just knew how to help her stay calm and happy. Oh the tribulations of motherhood!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hide and Seek

Abigail hiding from daddy. She couldn't look at me or daddy would find her.

Daddy found Abigail.

Daddy hiding from Abigail. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful dad.

Abigail's new after dinner game is hide and seek. She is not that good at it as she tells you where she is hiding and is not quiet. For instance, "Abigail where are you?" "I am in the closet." Sarah runs around following everyone but is not sure of the whole concept. The girls love it when we can spend all evening playing like this.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First and Only Time

I thought everyone might enjoy this picture. I know my dad and Josh sure did. On Christmas I decided to help my dad shovel the driveway since we could not pull in the driveway and three was 3 feet of snow on the driveway. I didn't want to be cold and wet two thing I despise, so I thought for a minute and remembered Josh's waders hanging up outside. My dad was laughing when he saw me and said he never thought he would see the day I responded by saying neither did I dad neither did I.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

We love Aunt Kim and Uncle Mark

Yesterday we had Aunt Kim and Uncle Mark over for a fish fry. The girls love it when they come over. Abigail was very interested yesterday in Aunt Kim's baby. She talked about going to the hospital a lot, she talked about when she gets old she is going to have a baby, and she asked Sarah if there was a baby in her tummy (Sarah did not like that question). Abigail also wanted to hug Aunt Kim's baby bye yesterday (see picture).

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pretty Pretty Princesses

The girls have really enjoyed their new dress up clothes. I really should count and see how many times they change clothes a day. Sarah comes to me and asks me to help her put on earrings however some of them are broken. When I tell her that, she always asks me her new word that is so cute, "Why?" Of course the 'why' is always said with a whine.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas

We have had a very busy couple of weeks as Josh's grandma Shirley Becker passed away on the the 19th. We were saddened but know she is in a happier place. Josh went to the funeral in Seattle which was on Christmas Eve. He was expected to be home late Christmas Eve night but due to an Oklahoma blizzard he did not get home until late Christmas day. We decided to spend the night at my parents which forced Santa to make two stops: a small one at their home and the rest at our home. I am so thankful that I had my family to share the joys of Christmas with and to distract my children from opening all of Santa's gifts. I was so proud of Abigail and how she took disappointment. On Christmas day she had been told that daddy was coming home and that we would open Santa's gifts then. But when Josh's plane was delayed and the roads were too bad for me to pick him up from the airport I told her that we would have to wait until the next morning to open presents. She just said okay and went to bed. WOW! I was expecting tears and a fit but she was so agreeable. We were able to all make it home safe and open presents the next day with Grandma Denton.

We had lots of fun with Grandma Denton. We went bowling for the first time with Abigail; we frequented Starbucks (a favorite treat with Grandma); we went to the bouncy barn (worth every penny of 10.00 as both girls took 3 hour naps afterwards) and we enjoyed making a snowman in the snow.

We spent the new year enjoying playing some new games with Meghan's sister Ashley and several neighbor friends. In this New Year we are also waiting for the snow to leave and the air to get above freezing but unfortunately the forecast calls for more snow and temperatures in the teens. In fact, the weatherman claim they will be the coldest temperatures in ten years. I think the bouncy barn will be seeing more of us in the next couple of weeks.

We feel so blessed as we reflect on this past year...Josh is employed and going to school, we have happy and healthy children who are learning to play together and who bring us much joy, and our family and friends are there for laughter and support. We feel so much hope for the coming year and are excited for the blessings it will bring.