Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Three Girls

We induced Anna on the 22nd of March which was two days after her due date. The girls went to school that day and Grandma picked them up a little early because that was in Abigail's plans and she was very excited about being called out of class to go to the hospital. Abigail and Sarah were very excited to be big sisters. After Anna was born we brought both girls in so that they could be the first to know if they had a sister or brother. Then they both ran out of the room to tell everyone it was a girl. Sarah was soo cute I wish I could put the video up on the blog but she ran out of the room exclaiming "come on guys come see my sister. Grandma come on come see my sister." Sarah wanted to know where the other babies were (she thinks my breasts are the 2nd and 3rd babies.) She also thought that Anna was stinky. She kept asking "Did the baby come out now?" I now think she understands that the baby is here now. Abigail feels so grown up and you can see her happiness all over her face. I don't sense any jealousy from them but I know they were glad to have all of us home.Abigail bursting with pride.
Sarah is uncertain of how she feels about her new sister.

Sarah didn't have school on Wednesday so she enjoyed having Grandma, Mommy, and Daddy's full attention at the hospital.

Anna before we left the hospital.

I can't believe we have three kids. Life is different bringing a baby home this time than with the other two. There is a lot more activity and I feel thrown back into life at a very fast pace. I am so thankful for all the friends and family that are here to help us with our transtition. Anna is doing better with each day and with the more she gets to eat. After allowing me and Josh only about 3 hours of sleep our first night home, last night she slept from midnight to 6:30. We were so thankful for the much needed rest but I also know that tonight can be completely different. We have found that she likes her momma a lot. I hope there is not too big of a war for my attention between Sarah and Anna. Hopefully we will bring out the camera more and try to get some better pictures and more pictures of all of the girls together.

Abigail hurried and took a bath so she could hold Anna. Everytime Anna squeaked or moved Abigail would whisper shhhh in her ear and rock her. I am so proud of how well she does with taking care of little ones and I'm happy she is excited to be a big sister again.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Anna Catherine

Anna Catherine arrived yesterday at 4:31 and is doing great. She is 8lbs 9ozs and 20 1/2inches long. I knew I was going to have a big baby, next time I will try not to bake my babies for so long. Abigail and Sarah love their new sister and are excited to bring her home. I will post more tomorrow.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

40 weeks

Here I am on my due date. I am getting bigger by the minute. I started swelling today and it has made me very grateful that I am not going to be pregnant through the summer. I am amazed that I made it to my due date since I have had soo many contractions and I started off dilated at 36 weeks, which is something that I had not done in my other pregnancies. Abigail is ready for the baby to come but I am not sure if she is more excited about the baby coming or that she gets to spend the night at Grandmas. She told me last night that she hopes the baby comes because she wants someone else to watch her. If I don't have the baby tomorrow then I am scheduled to be induced on Tuesday. We are all ready to meet the new baby.

Little Helpers

Abigail and Sarah helped do the dishes this weekend and really enjoyed it. Abigail told me she felt like Daddy's wife and a mommy. She also learned that she could peel her own oranges and she helped Sarah go to the bathroom. She told me that she is so old. She is growing up really fast. Hopefully all the helpfulness will continue after the baby is born.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Sarah

Sarah at the hospital.

One year old.

Two years old.

Three years old.

I can't believe Sarah is three, but I feel very relieved that she is. She has grown up so much over the last few months. It doesn't seem that long ago when I would put her to bed at night and feel every nerve in my body from all the drama and crying that went on throughout the day.
We have both learned so much. Sarah has learned to communicate better and be more comfortable when she feels anxious. I have learned to choose my battles very wisely and stay calm. There are many days she walks out of the house with clothes that are mismatched and she looks like a little orphan but I have learned that getting out of the house with mismatched clothes is certaintly better than an hour long tantrum. Now if I can just convince her that wearing tights without anything over them is like wearing just panties we would be in good shape.
Sarah is such a sweet little girl, knowing how to use her charm to get what she wants. She is so loveable and enjoys the kisses and hugs. I think she wants to go back and be a baby many times throughout the day and I wonder how she will feel about that when the new baby comes. She is very maternal always taking care of her babies and animals.
Sarah is a chatterbox. She will talk all day and doesn't even need a response from people most of the time. Her creative mind is always going, she pretends throughout the day and is content playing with a single small toy all day. At church she has been finding pieces of trash and playing with them throughout mass and even taking them home. Her teachers tell me they wish they could clone her (news to me) and that she likes to play all day.
Sarah is my home body. She would much rather stay home than go anywhere. Ever since she learned to communicate, I could always count on her to tell me she is ready to go home at any event. I wish I could freeze time so I can keep her this age. I am trying to hold on to all the memories. I love my Sarah and I cannot wait to see what the future will bring her.

38 weeks

Here we are at 38 weeks and I can't believe that in two weeks or less there will be another baby in the house. Now that Sarah's birthday party is over I am ready for the baby to come (at least physically). I can't wait to see if it is a boy or girl and the personality that it will add to our family. Naming the baby this time has been difficult. Josh and I aren't really on the same page and it has been hard for me to picture a child with many of the names we have debated. We have decided on naming the baby Anna Catherine if it is a girl. The middle name of the boy has been debated a lot. I like Isaac Micheal recently but the baby will be born around the feast day of St. Joseph and ever since Abigail we have had Isaac Joseph picked out, so I now think we are back to Isaac Joseph. I guess we will have to decide soon.

Sarah's Birthday Party

We celebrated Sarah's Birthday on Saturday. We celebrated early in case the baby comes early. She had so much fun and was very excited about her Tinkerbell party. She thought the decorations were so beautiful and was thrilled that everyone was there for her.
My little baby girl is three, I can hardly believe it.
Sarah was excited about all her presents, she ripped through them very fast though. She would hardly look at the present before going on to the next one. But once all the presents were opened she enjoyed playing with all of them.
Here is Sarah's Tinkerbell cake. She wanted a Tinkerbell party which I thought was very intresting because she has never seen a movie with Tinkerbell and she doesn't know any of the characters. She gets very excited when Tinkerbell shows up on the preview of movies.
Enjoying all the attention.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The morning wake up

Sarah loves Veggie Tales: Rack, Shack, and Benny she especially loves the song "The Chocolate Factory." There are many times in the car where the song is on repeat. I hear her sing the song throughout the day. For the past few weeks Sarah wakes up and comes lay in our bed in the morning she then begins to whisper "Good morning George, how are you... When she is finished with the song she wants me to scratch her back and then she tells me she wants breakfast.

A conversation between sisters

I want to remember little things like this that is why I am putting it on the blog. The other morning I was informing Sarah that mommy would be going to the hospital when it was time to have the baby. Sarah said "That's okay I can come with you, and we can go round and round and scream"(she is talking about the parking garage which my girls think is a roller coaster. I told her for a little while but mommy has to stay the night at the hospital. The following conversation occured.
Abigail: "We get to spend the night with Grandma."
Sarah: "Yeah, I can sleep with Grandma."
Abigail: "No, we are going to sleep in Aunt Emily's room."
Sarah: "Yeah, we can talk."
Abigail: "No, we are not suppose to talk at night. I don't talk because I am quiet at night."
Sarah: "Yeah, we can talk."
Abigail: "We have to listen to Grandma when she tells us no we say ok, and when she says yes we say yeah."
Sarah: "Yeah, Grandma will let me talk."

I guess we know who the rule follower is and who has a plan on how to talk Grandma into whatever she wants.

Silly Sock and Hat Day

Abigail celebrated Dr.Suess's birthday by wearing a crazy hat and by making silly socks. I was not thrilled to make silly socks. Creativity brings out a lot of anxiety for me. But I bundled up my anxiety and went to hobby lobby to look for items for the socks. Thankfully my wonderful husband helped to oversee the endeavor. The girls had a wonderful time making the socks and Abigail was so proud to show off her socks. Sarah enjoyed putting big globs of paint all over the socks.
Sarah making sure there is plenty of paint all over the sock.
Abigail had her sock all planned out on how she wanted it to look.

The final product.
Abigail on Crazy hat and sock day. Sarah didn't have crazy hat day because it was on a day when she doesn't go to school.

Wow mom...

Yesterday Abigail came up to give me a hug and she said, "Wow your baby is getting so big." "I think it is going to be a giant." "That would be funny wouldn't it mom, if you had a giant?" That would be so funny Abigail and your honesty doesn't scare me at all.